Fun is not the word I’d use…

The WP Daily Prompt today is “fun” but the explanation stated: Imagine that tomorrow, all of your duties and obligations evaporate for the day.

This morning I had just been contemplating divesting myself of some of my obligations and duties, as I was feeling overwhelmed and inadequate and just plain ol’ tired. For a long time. Then I read Alicja’s post today at Postcards Without Stamps and had a change of heart. So, rather than going with what my idea of fun would have been at 6:00 this morning (Sleeping in…catching up on my reading…long walks…a soak in the hot tub…), I have to go with what is actually my plan for this Saturday’s “day off”: getting up early enough to get some studying in and preparing for teaching my early-morning classes for next week…spending time with and feeding our visiting family…making a fruit salad for the funeral of a friend and offering condolences to her family…staying up late (anything after 9 pm is past my bedtime!) and chatting with my visiting daughters and sons-in-law.

As busy and hectic and over scheduled as life seems sometimes, I wouldn’t change it for anything! My life is very blessed and I want to live every moment as it unfolds.

Me & My Lovely Daughters

Me & My Lovely Daughters

About Gail

Genealogist, librarian, writer, traveler, Mormon
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12 Responses to Fun is not the word I’d use…

  1. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Nothin’ But A Good Time | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss

  2. auntyuta says:

    “Making Life an Art”: I very much like this concept. You are a genealogist, which I find very interesting. It’s great when you can find out something about your forebears.
    But now to your above post. You say: “This morning I had just been contemplating divesting myself of some of my obligations and duties, as I was feeling overwhelmed and inadequate and just plain ol’ tired.” I am 79 and I can tell you I feel like this quite often. But then to have visiting family or being able to help a friend in some way makes all the difference. I love it the way you spent your day. The picture with your daughters is lovely. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

    • gapark says:

      Thanks so much for your visit and comments! My mom is 83 and is constantly out helping someone, so I know this is not a temporary phase of life! I just pray for the strength to do all that I need to!

  3. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Nothin’ But A Good Time | Nola Roots, Texas Heart

  4. Pingback: Leisure Redefined | Views Splash!

  5. timelesslady says:

    Great post…I get up early too! Happy sunrises to you! 🙂

  6. Pingback: Hi higher horizons! | litadoolan

  7. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Nothin’ But A Good Time | The Wandering Poet

  8. Pingback: [M.M.X.I.V. 53] Whoa-oh-oh-oh! | Never A Worry

  9. Pingback: Nothin’ but a Good Time | Alexia Jones

  10. litadoolan says:

    Great advice and an inspiration to get the most from the day.

  11. Pingback: What’s Your Pacifc Rim Robot Name? Let’s Make One Together! | toofulltowrite (I've started so I'll finish)

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