My Hero

My dad was a hero to five-year-old me. He is still my hero today. This is one of my favorite photos of him as a young heartthrob in the Fifties. Despite dropping out of high school before graduating, my dad could do anything. He could build from “scratch” anything with a motor or wheels, and made for my sister and I a varied assortment of go-carts, “sit-skis,” snow mobiles and wagons. He build a car, a camper and a home. Dad worked several jobs and sacrificed much so that I could go to college. He put us kids first and never made us feel that it was a burden to do so. He had a wonderful sense of humor and was loved by everyone who knew him, even furry friends of the four-footed variety. He was kind and full of compassion. Everyone gravitated to him and enjoyed just being around him.

Dad was taken from us much too soon. I’ve thought about him a lot lately, as I was just able to view his funeral services when I got the VHS migrated to DVD. I also recently read a blogpost of a tribute to a grandfather, and a moving account of another blogger dealing with the grief of her father’s passing. So when this Daily Prompt appeared, I knew I had to share my thought on my hero. Here’s to you, Dad.

Who’s your hero?

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About Gail

Genealogist, librarian, writer, traveler, Mormon
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17 Responses to My Hero

  1. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Heroic | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss

  2. Pingback: 9/11 Heroes | Daily Prompt: Heroic | Ireland, Multiple Sclerosis & Me

  3. Kelly says:

    I have never met anyone else in my life like dad. People wanted to be near him, even if they just came by to sit in the garage he was working in and not say anything. I rarely heard a bad comment about anyone or anything from him. He just laughed or shrugged around stupidity and ignorance. Something I have NOT inherited from. I am sure my love of animals came from him. I still cry every time I think of him. So thankful for eternal families.

    • Gail says:

      Hey! I just noticed I never responded to your comment–my bad! Thanks for stopping by. I hope you are also enjoying my 2018 A-Z posts…Love you!

  4. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Heroic | Reflections and Nightmares- Irene A Waters (writer and memoirist)

  5. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Heroic | Nola Roots, Texas Heart

  6. elizabeth says:

    Your dad sounds like a wonderful man and father Gail. You were abundantly blessed to have a good, strong, loving dad. My hero was and is my mother. She sacrificed so much for us.

    • gapark says:

      Elizabeth, you know the saying, “You don’t know what you’ve got til it’s gone…” My dad has been gone 18 years and I still think of him virtually every day. My mom lives near my sister (2000 miles away from me) and is now 83. She is AWESOME and we try to see each other at least once a year, but I don’t give her enough accolades or tell her how much I appreciate her like I should. I truly had an idyllic childhood with two very loving and giving parents.

  7. Josh Randall says:

    You are my hero!

  8. Pingback: The hero-less five year old | Rob's Surf Report

  9. He looks like he was a LOT of fun:) So cute:)

    • gapark says:

      He was very creative–loved working with his hands; hated to be “cooped up” indoors for any amount of time. My kids were forever searching the yard for “grampa” so they could see what he was up to and be with him.

  10. Now there’s a handsome fellow. And funny enough, my Dad fills that spot too. Aren’t we lucky?

  11. macjam47 says:

    My dad! I’ve never met anyone since who had so many friends. I always knew it was because no kinder, gentler, more honest and hardworking person ever walked the earth.

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